The third step is to assess the effectiveness of things we do. And to decide how to continue.
What will you learn at this level?
- Why is feedback so important? How to receive effective feedback from those you work with on a cause and from those who you support?
- Why is it so important to measure the effectiveness of your giving and volunteering activities?
- How to measure the effectiveness of your good doing actions – for you personally, and for the organisation which you work at or have created?
- How to assess whether and to what extent you have been helpful with your donation or volunteering actions – for you personally, and for the organisation which you work at or have created?
- How to measure the change you have made – for you personally, for your organisation and for those who you support?
- How to measure the effectiveness of your giving and volunteering activities for people working at your organisation?
- How to create and establish an overall corporate social responsibility system and to include it into your corporate values?
How to achieve these?
- Individual coaching sessions;
- Individual consultations;
- Participation in thematic trainings.
- Group consultations;
- Group coaching sessions;
- Facilitation of group meetings;
- Thematic trainings.
Contact me for arranging a consultation or coaching session. Or for receiving guidance how to proceed.